SOLD!!! Christiansen Fresh Pack Produce

  • Live On-Site Auction:
    Wed, Mar 27th 2002, 10:00 AM
  • 1550 Mooney
    by Pocatello Airport
    PocatelloIdaho  83204
  • Potato Processing Plant Including Forklift, Rock Traps, Conveyors, Roll Sizer, Even Flo Tubs, Bins, Roll Table, Dock Ramps, Phone System, Office Equip, & More. By Pocatello Airport. Thanks for a wonderful auction!

Forklifts     Scale     Conveyor Belts     Rock Traps     
Potato Bins
      Sizers     Spud Tables    Packaging    Office    MISC.

Here is a preliminary listing for the auction. More Details, Photos, and Items will be added soon!!



4000 LB., Datsun Model # CPF-02 Chassis # 020111,
130" lift, Propane and Extra Tank with Hydraulic Bag Push-Off Attachment



Fairbanks-Morris 100,000 LB. Semi Truck Scale Approx.70 ft. Platform


Conveyor Belts

Several brands including - Spudnik & Ernest!! Many to Choose from!!
Portable tube conveyor on wheels -Spudnik mod.# 1100-82

18 x 8 Belt Conveyor
18 x 44 Belt Conveyor w/ slide shear
18 x 50 Belt Conveyor
18 x 5 Belt Conveyor
30 x 22 Belt Conveyor
24 x 23 Belt Conveyor
24 x 10 Belt Conveyor
24x18 Belt Conveyor
18x6 Belt Conveyor
12x10 Belt Conveyor
18x58 Belt Conveyor
12x14 Belt Conveyor
14x7 Belt Conveyor
14x10 Belt Conveyor
12x28 Belt Conveyor
18x20 Belt Conveyor
18x19 Belt Conveyor
24 x 22 Belt Conveyor
18 x 8 Belt Conveyor
18 x 23 Belt Conveyor
48 x 26 Belt Conveyor
12 x 29 Belt Conveyor
24 x 20 Split conveyor
48 x 13 Belt Conveyor
36 x 41 Belt Conveyor
48 x 20 Belt Conveyor
30 x 75 Belt Conveyor
48 x 9 Belt Conveyor
36 x 27 Belt Conveyor
24 x 12 Belt Conveyor
24 x 21 Belt Conveyor
2 - 18 x 7’6 Belt Conveyor
24 x 58 Belt Conveyor
18 x 16 Belt Conveyor
18 x 33 Belt Conveyor
36 x 20 Belt Conveyor
18 x 14 Belt Conveyor
12 x 18 Belt Conveyor
30 x 24 Belt Conveyor
18x29 Belt Conveyor
36x32 Ernst Split Conveyor
36x13 Ernst Split Conveyor
48x29 Split Conveyor
30x42 Split Conveyor
36x26 Belt Conveyor

Rock Traps

1990 Higgins Rock Trap
24 Higgins Rock Trap


Potato Bins

Most with Variable Speed Self Unloading Gearboxes  

11 x 16 Water Even-Flo w/48” Elevator Pump
2 - 5 x 8 Even Flo Tubs
2 - 8 x 14Even’Flo Tub
2 - 8 x 32 Even Flo Tub w/ Vari. Speed
2 - 7’6”x27’ Even Flo bins


2 1985 Electro Tech 6 Lane Sizers
72 x 120 Roll Sizer
2 Electotec Sizers

Spud Tables

2 1992 Graff & Associates Rolltable
24 x 20 Double 24” Table
24x25 Double 24” Table

Packaging Equipment

Two complete units ,Koch brand with Lectro Tek
electronic PC controls

Office Equipment

Complete Executone multi-line phone system w/ several telephones
 Page Pac vs voice paging system
Several clean desks
boxes of supplies
Floor mats
Electronic calculators
newer Amano time clock (complete)
couch and love-seat for reception area
CCTV system with 2 cameras 3 monitors and 1 recorder
& Much More.


Misc Items

Cleaning tank with conveyor
Dockboom Lights
Pallet Jack
Gravity Fed Fuel Tank on Stand
Many Electrical Supply Boxes
Gear Boxes
Bolt Bin
Motor Control Centers
Scrap Metal
Large Ventilating Fan Complete
Dock Lights
Ernest Potato Equipment
60 x 10 Brush Drier Combo
30 x 17 Belt Elevator
60 x 8 Finger Roll Slicer Double L MFG
Time and Turn Chute
Box Taper Signode
Kel Air - Air Compressor 15 hp

And Much More!!

More Details coming soon! Please keep checking back!!