No Minimums, High Bid Wins!
Something For EVERYONE!
Auction will start at 5:30 am with many of the yard tools, tools, camping, and outdoor items. Selling all items outside first, then moving to the inside with seating.
Auction will last until approximately 10:00 pm so come any time. You can show up at 7:00 if you like and still be able
to get some nice items.
From the Estate of Ruth Richards out of American Falls. As you will see this wonderful lady had a variety of fun items.
There are some special Antiques and Collectibles mixed with many useful items.
This is combined with another nice lady that has moved from the Pocatello area to Oregon. She had sold the house and
packed a moving truck. With too many items to take she has decided to have an auction. All clean and nice items. See you
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