1994 GMC Service Truck with 14' Service Bed
1986 Chevy Service Truck with 10' Service Bed
1994 Chevy 1 Ton with 12' Service Bed (Does not run)

10' Trailer, Heavy Tandem Axle, Bumper Pull

Delta / Milwaukee - 24" Scroll Saw, 14" Band Saw, 36" Lathe with 12" Swing, Shaper, Mall 6" Planer, Delta
Table Saw 10", 8 Speed Drill Press, 6" Jointer, Vertical Belt Sander 6", Walker Turner Radial Arm Saw 10"
14 Fiberglass Ladders all sizes and styles, 1/2 HP Bench Grinder, 6" Vise, Black & Decker 1/2" Hammer Drill,
3/8" Dewalt Portable Drill, 9" Hand Grinder, Compressor, 3 Victor Cutting Torches with Gauges, West Arc
Electric Welder Model 230, Lincoln Gas Welder AC 150 Amp, Homelite Generator 3500, Magnum XR 7 Paint Gun,
Portable Propane Heater, Paint Sprayer, Genie Super Lift SL 20, Electric Hoist 440 lbs, (26) Sections of
Scaffolding, (8) 6' Aluminum Planks, (6) 8' Aluminum Planks, Bolt Bins, (12) Loading Dock Rubber Bumpers,
Scrap Iron
Door Panels, Runners, Hinges, Rollers, Cable, Lots of New and Used Parts
Great Selection Cavalier Cedar Chest, Tom Thumb Type Writer, Crock Jug, Crock Bowls, McCoy Vase, Light
Fixture, Stage Coach in Case, Collection of 1930-40-50s Magazines (Popular Science-Popular Mechanics-4 The
Model Builder-2 Toy Train-The Model Railroad-Miniature Roading-Model Craftman-Model Railroad ), Model
Railroad Catalogs, Practical Model Builders Books, Builders Woodwork Universal Design Book #24
Morrison-Merrill & Co. Salt Lake City Utah 1927, 11 Practical Delta Project Work Books 1934, Model Train
2pc. w/ track, Railroad Time Book 1941, Paper Receipts from Pocatello Businesses (1940-50-60), 1968-69
Pocatellian High School Annuals, Airplane Models, Toy Tin Tractor & Implements Japan, USA Crock Bowl, Crock
Jug, Linen, Set of 8 Frosted Collectors Cups Gold Rush Series, 1960 United States Marines Corp Leather
Jacket w/ Logos, 8mm Melton Viewer, Christmas Decorations, all that & then some